Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage

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Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage Customer Reviews

  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Holly collins -- SKEPTIC TURNED BELIEVER, HIGHLY RECOMMEND! : I’ve been a fan of Madi’s since the Bachelor. After her season I followed her on instagram and loved her Christian faith & uplifting spirit. However, her cheerful demeanor and outings got a little old for me. I’m married in my late 20’s and suffering from poor health, I started to feel she was a tad juvenile for me, but I was still a big fan of who she was. I pre-ordered the book to give to my niece whose 17 y/o. I almost skipped reading it altogether, but I wanted to be able to relate to my niece about what she read, so I decided to read it before I mailed it out. And my gosh, I was blown away by the book. Though Madi is real, and vulnerable in her book. It is her wisdom and depth that takes you beyond her public platform, as she walks you through your own journey. Her Christian roots and self-discipline are a familiar friend she invites you to lean on. As you learn and become your moment. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Stephanie Godfrey -- Let's gooooo!! : in making the book real for me. If anyone feels like they're in a plateau with their relationship with Christ, or if you want to just keep growing, I encourage you to read this book! (I also own the Audible because I have loved it so much I want it with me on the go!) It gets me pumped up! Let's live for Christ & share His good news! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2021 )
  • 1.0 out of 5 stars from Kindle Customer -- Very disappointed! : This was basically a self help/ bible study type book. Very little bachelor info. Save your money ! ( Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Zaxmom -- What a fine example and role model for young ladies! : I started following Madison Prewett when she was on the Bachelorette. As a 53 year old Mom, I was so impressed with not only how beautiful she was, but how well rounded and down to earth she was. When I heard she wrote I book, I bought it immediately. Thank you, Madison, for your sound advice and inspiring words and stories! This book is well worth your time and money. Young people talking about their relationship with God and how it helps ground them and move them through life - well, there just aren't enough of these! Madison's faith, grace, and strength, is an excellent representation of how we can all carry ourselves with dignity and courage if we could follow her example. GREAT BOOK! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Tmodthompson -- Best book I’ve read in a long time! : I love this girl so much. I loved the way she stood firm in her faith on The Bachelor and she shows us how to do just that in the well written book. I highly recommend this book to women of ALL ages, but for sure to young ladies-especially middle school and high school. The values she has taught me at the age of 26 will stick with me throughout my life, and I fully intend on teaching my two young daughters the same things. This book has truly impacted my life, and I just love that everything she has to say aligns with the word of God. Kuddos to you Maddison! This is a MUST READ! ( Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Jo57 -- Life Changing : I haven’t even finished the book yet and I am already in love. I’ve read a little over half the book and have learned SO much. Not only was Madi my favorite on the bachelor, but she has gradually become one of my main role models. Although Madi isn’t much older than me (I am 24), I see her as the big sister I never had. I admire her faith and strength. I hope to be at least half the woman she is some day. I feel more encouraged than ever to grow in my faith and hand my life over to Jesus. I KNOW this book is going to change SO many lives. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Cyndi -- Uplifting for women of all ages! : Madison Prewett has a gift of encouragement. Even as an older woman, I found so much in her book that related to my own personal life experiences. Reflecting on my past, I recognized the big and small moments for which I was made… the strength I had only through Christ! I love that she gets personal in her book, reveals the closeness she shares with her family, and let’s us see the challenges she’s faced. Every woman should read this book… no matter your age!!! ( Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from R.D. -- Uplifting book : This was a gift for my college aged daughter who adores this book. She's been quoting bits of it to me for the last few days as she reads it. I'm impressed that it's kept her attention while she's been studying and living a student life. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from iko -- Incredible : What an inspiring book for women of all ages. Madi is an amazing lady! This book is well-written and gives so much hope! Thanks for sharing your beliefs and confidence in faith- it is truly inspiring; you are such a great influence. ( Reviewed in Canada on November 3, 2021 )

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Made For This Moment: Standing Firm With Strength, Grace ... Made For This Moment : Standing Firm With Strength, Grace ... Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage [Prewett, Madison, Sadie Robertson Huff] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage - Kindle edition by Prewett, Madison, Huff, Sadie Robertson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage. Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage Audible Audiobook - Unabridged Madison Prewett (Author, Narrator), Sadie Robertson Huff - foreword (Author), Zondervan (Publisher) & 0 more Title: Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage By: Madison Prewett Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 240 Vendor: Zondervan Publication Date: 2021 Dimensions: 9.000 X 6.000 (inches) Weight: 13 ounces ISBN: 0310363187 ISBN-13: 9780310363187 Stock No: WW363187 Title: Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage - eBook By: Madison Prewett Format: DRM Protected ePub Vendor: Zondervan Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 9780310363200 ISBN-13: 9780310363200 UPC: 025986363208 Stock No: WW115869EB 12 The Cost of Standing Firm 173. Cultivating Faith and Strength through Moments of Loss. 13 The Fight for Your Moment 187. Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage. Acknowledgments 199. Notes 203 Start by marking "Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage" as Want to Read: ... Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage by. Madison Prewett. ... Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage. Write a review. Chelsea Collins marked it as to-read Mar 20, 2021 ... In Made for This Moment, Madison examines how the biblical story of Esther will prepare you to: Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage | X Made for This Moment will appeal to fans of Sadie Robertson, Jordan Lee Dooley, and Annie F. Downs, as well as to Madison's faithful following from her remarkable Bachelor season. Readers who are eager to make wise choices in dating, career, and family will love Madison's authentic voice and real-life challenges, making this a great gift for ... Made for This Moment : Standing Firm with Strength, Grace, and Courage R 409 R 361 The book is imported from UK and usually delivered to you in 10 to 16 working days Oct 19, 2021 — How Do You Stand Firm In Your Convictions In A World That's Trying To Pull You Down? Madison Prewett Helps You Keep Your Standards High And  Rating: 5 2 Reviews Made For This Moment: Standing Firm With Strength, Grace, And Courage · Discover How To Predecide Who You Want To Be Before You Step Into Your Big Moments · Claim  Rating: 5 1 Review In Made For This Moment, Madison Prewett From Season 24 Of The Bachelor Will Help You Turn Pressure From The World Into Power In Your Soul So You Can Stand  $14.99 In Stock Oct 19, 2021 — Standing Firm With Strength, Grace, And Courage In Made For This Moment, Madison Prewett From Season 24 Of The Bachelor Will Help You Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with ... Made For This Moment: Standing Firm With Strength, Grace ... Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with Strength, Grace ... Made for This Moment : Standing Firm with Strength, Grace ... Made for This Moment Made for This Moment: Standing Firm with ... Related searches madison prewett book summary madison prewett book signing madi prewett book sales made for this moment sales madison prewett new book madison prewett net worth made for this moment goodreads madi prewett book review

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