phrase au plus que parfait

Le plus-que-parfait: the pluperfect in French Lingolia. When to use the plus-que-parfait in French. We use the plus-que-parfait to talk about an action that occurred before another action in the past. This tense is usually used together with another past tense (such as the imparfait, the passé composé or the passé simple) and establishes the order of events: the action expressed in the plus-que-parfairt always occurred before the action expressed by the other past tenses.

Le plus-que-parfait: the pluperfect in French Lingolia
Le plus-que-parfait: the pluperfect in French Lingolia from

Elle avait beaucoup étudié! ('She had studied a lot!') Elle avait beaucoup etudie. In the second sentence, the verb avait étudié is conjugated in the plus-que-parfait. Before we discuss how to.

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